Friday, January 21, 2011

We're Back?

Ok, so I realize it's been awhile.

Ok, a really long while...

I can't believe how time flies!  The last post I wrote was a congrats to Shawn and Farrah on their new addition.  Well, little Mayci Jo is already a year and a month old, walking and jabbering about!  So, there ya have it...I've missed an entire years worth of important stuff.  Heck...I even had a baby!  So congrats to me?  Anyway, I apologize for the lapse and I'm definitely going to give this another try.  Please don't be too mad at me if I miss an important event in your life.  I will do my best, but like I said...I didn't even let y'all know I had a baby...6 and a half months ago! 

Please email me or grandma Hofheins and give us your news!  Anything from weddings to babies, baptisms, parties, graduations etc.  Maybe you accomplished something little Miss Julie Donaldson...way to go on your book deal girl!  If you don't know about it, you can check out her blog here.

Anyway...I'm trying so bear with me!  Can't wait to hear all of the great and exciting news from all of you this year!

Oh, and as a side note...don't you think we need a new family picture?  Let's shoot for one at our next reunion!

1 comment:

Bryan Hofheins said...

Jamie, This is wonderful. Thanks for all your work. We love you. Dad and Mom Hofheins (Bryan and Arden)